Arrêter un noeud nlb

Stopper un noeud NLB en VbScript

'31 january 2011 version
'Inspired by

'Script qui arrête les noeuds d un serveur NLB désigné
'Le script se connecte au serveur NLB indiqué, et lance par exemple la commande drainstop sur tous les noeuds du dit serveur, attend que le noeud soit effectivement stoppé afin que cela s arrête proprement.
'Examples de syntaxe :
'myscript.vbs -n "MyServerName" -c "drainstop"
'myscript.vbs -n "MyServerName" -c "start"

Dim strComputer
Dim strCommand

'Parse the command line.
call ParseCommand()
Wscript.Echo "" 
Wscript.Echo "MicrosoftNLB_Node" 
Wscript.Echo "=================" 
Wscript.Echo "" 
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\MicrosoftNLB") 
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from MicrosoftNLB_Node",,48) 
For Each objItem in colItems 

	Wscript.Echo "ComputerName:       " & objItem.ComputerName
	Wscript.Echo "DedicatedIPAddress: " & objItem.DedicatedIPAddress 
	Wscript.Echo "HostPriority:       " & objItem.HostPriority 
	Wscript.Echo "Name:               " & objItem.Name 
	Wscript.Echo "StatusCode:         " & objItem.StatusCode 
	Wscript.Echo "" 

	If strCommand = "drainstop" Then
		Wscript.Echo "Stopping the node" 
		ReturnValue = objItem.DrainStop()

		bStart = true 
		Wscript.Echo "Waiting the node to stop..." 
		Wscript.Echo "" 
			Set colItems1 = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select StatusCode from MicrosoftNLB_Node",,48) 
			For Each objItem1 in colItems1 
				Call DisplayReturnValue(objItem1.StatusCode)			
				if objItem1.StatusCode = "1005" then 
					bStart = false
				end if 
			WScript.Sleep 1000  
		Wscript.Echo "" 
		Wscript.Echo "Node Stopped" 
		Wscript.Echo "" 
	End If 'If strCommand = "drainstop" Then
	If strCommand = "start" Then
		Wscript.Echo "Start the node" 
	End If

sub DisplayReturnValue(ReturnValue)
	' Translate the return value to a string and display it to output.
	select case ReturnValue
		case 1000    
			wscript.echo "    Success."
		case 1001    
			wscript.echo "    Cluster mode is already stopped/started, or traffic handling is already enabled/disabled on specified port."
		case 1002    
			wscript.echo "    Cluster mode stop or start operation interrupted connection draining process."
		case 1003    
			wscript.echo "    Cluster mode could not be started due to configuration problems on the target host."
		case 1004    
			wscript.echo "    Port number not found among port rules."
		case 1005    
			wscript.echo "    Cluster mode is stopped on the host."
		case 1006    
			wscript.echo "    Cluster is converging."
		case 1007    
			wscript.echo "    Cluster or host converged successfully."
		case 1008    
			wscript.echo "    Host is converged as default host."
		case 1009    
			wscript.echo "    Host is draining after drainstop command."
		case else:
			wscript.echo "    Unknown return (" & ReturnValue & ")."
	end select
End Sub

Function ParseCommand()
	' Parses the command line and fills the script variables 
	' with the appropriate values.
	Dim ArgCount
	Dim oArgs

	Set oArgs = Wscript.Arguments

	ArgCount = 0
	if oArgs.Count = 0 then
		wscript.echo "No arguments specified."
		call Help()
	end if

	While ArgCount < oArgs.Count
		Select Case LCase(oArgs(ArgCount))
			Case "-n"
			ArgCount = ArgCount + 1
			wscript.echo "Server name : " & strComputer

			Case "-c"
			ArgCount = ArgCount + 1
			wscript.echo "Command : " & strCommand

			Case Else:
			wscript.echo "Invalid command."
			call Help()
		End Select
		ArgCount = ArgCount + 1
End Function

sub Help()
	' Display command-line syntax for the script.
	wscript.echo "Stop/Start Network Load Balancing (NLB) service"
	wscript.echo "Syntax:"
	wscript.echo "-n Server name or IP"
	wscript.echo "-c command name : drainstop or start"
	wscript.echo "Examples:"
	wscript.echo "myscript.vbs -n ""MyServerName"" -c ""drainstop"""
End Sub
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