Le VbScript qui permet d'appeler le Powershell
Option Explicit
Dim CheminScriptActuel, ScriptFileName, Position
Dim WSHShell, Commande
Dim NomVM, varLoginAuthentVM, varMotDePasseAuthentVM, varNomSnapShot
Dim objFSO, objTextFile, CheminFichierLog
'Déclaration des constantes
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWritting = 2
Const ForAppending = 8
CheminScriptActuel = Left(wscript.scriptfullname,Len(wscript.scriptfullname)-Len(wscript.scriptname)-1)
'Wscript.Echo "Votre script '" & wscript.scriptname & "' est dans le répertoire '" & CheminScriptActuel & "'."
ScriptFileName = wscript.scriptname
Position = InstrRev(ScriptFileName,".")
if (Position > 0) Then ScriptFileName = Left(ScriptFileName, Position - 1)
CheminFichierLog = CheminScriptActuel & "\" & ScriptFileName & "_log.txt"
NomVM = Trim(InputBox("Entrez le nom de la VM","Nom de la VM","Nom machine"))
If Len(NomVM) > 0 Then
Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Commande = "cmd /k Powershell -file """ & CheminScriptActuel & "\" & ScriptFileName & ".ps1"" -v """ & NomVM & """"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(CheminFichierLog, ForWritting, True)
objTextFile.WriteLine(Commande) 'On ecrit la date et l'heure dans le fichier
objTextFile.Close 'Fermeture du fichier
Set objTextFile = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
WSHShell.Run Commande
Set WSHShell = Nothing
End If
Lien vers le fichier : cliquez ici
Le script Powershell qui réaliser l'opération
$VIserver = "NomvCenter"
$VILogin = "domaine\loginvcenter"
$VIMotdepasse = "Motdepasse"
#Definition des variables globales
$global:varNomVM = ""
function main()
asnp vmware* #Import modules VMWares
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
if ($verbose) {$VerbosePreference = "Continue"}
if ($debug) {$DebugPreference = "Continue"}
$DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
Connect-VIServer -Server $VIserver -User $VILogin -Password $VIMotdepasse
Write-Host "Traitement de $varNomVM"
$UneVM = Get-VM -Name $varNomVM
Write-Host $UneVM.PowerState #Juste pour afficher si la VM est allumée ou non
Write-Host "$varNomVM : Effacement des Snapshots"
Get-Snapshot $varNomVM | Remove-Snapshot -confirm:$false
function CheckVIToolKit()
## Before we do anything we must check to see if the user has the VI toolkit installed.
## If user does not then we prompt the user and exit.
Get-PSSnapin vmware*
if($Error.Count -ne 0)
Write-Host "`n`n`t`t ERROR - To run this script, the VI Toolkit must be installed and registered with Powershell. If the VI Tollkit is installed," -foregroundcolor red -backgroundColor yellow
Write-Host "`t`t go to the Settings menu in Powershell Plus and click on Manage Snapins." -foregroundcolor red -backgroundColor yellow
# Read-Host "`n`n`t Press <Enter> to continue."
}## EOF: CheckVIToolKit()
Function ParseCommand($oArgs){
#Parses the command line and fills the script variables
#with the appropriate values.
# $test = "-n,test"
# $oArgs = $test.split(",")
$ArgCount = 0
if (!$oArgs.length -gt 0){
write-host "No arguments specified."
While ($ArgCount -lt $oArgs.length){
switch ($oArgs[$ArgCount].ToLower()){
$global:varNomVM = $oArgs[($ArgCount+1)]
$ArgCount = ($ArgCount + 2)
write-host "-v : $varNomVM"
write-host "Invalid command."
# Help
#Parse commands
## Run Main
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Nom | Site Web d origine | Description |
VMware-PowerCLI-5.1.0-793... | https://my.vmware.com/fr/web/v... | vSphere PowerCli |
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